Pocket Coil Springs Process in Modern Mattress Construction 2022

Pocket Coil Springs produce comfort and support.
During production, a machine produces numerous pocket coil springs. The pocket coil springs are separated into groups by a sprocket on a rotary shaft. The rotary shaft moves the holding arms, which are then operated by an electromagnetic valve.

In addition, the machine has a press holding mechanism that lifts and carries the springs in four directions. The spray mechanism has a nozzle that applies adhesive to the springs. The whole process is carried out through a chute, which consists of two supporting elements, the chute and the product support.

The pressing mechanism comprises a press holding plate that is driven by a lifter mechanism. The press holding mechanism has two holding arms that extend downward and press the radial centers of the pocket coil springs.

The lifting and closing of the holding arms is controlled by an actuator. During operation, the cylinders move from one side of the chamber to the other, while the surface of the springs are tension-ed.

Pocket Coiled Springs are Formed by Machines

The holding mechanism preferably includes a press holding plate that moves from the inlet of the chute to the positioning transfer conveying mechanism. The press holding plate is mounted on holding arms that extend from opposite edges and press the radial center of the springs. The holding arms are controlled by an actuator that opens and closes them. The pressed springs are thereby formed with smooth surfaces without any wrinkles.

Coil Springs Manufactured Differently

In one method of manufacturing, a press holding mechanism accommodates a coil spring within an unwoven material pocket. In this process, the coils are assembled into multiple rows.

A feeder mechanism feeds the springs on the support base. A positioning transfer conveyor is driven by an exclusive driving means and conveys the pressed pocket coil springs to the desired location.

The pressing mechanism holds the group of pocket coil springs and carries them in a group or 1/2 phase. The positioning mechanism includes multiple positioning members that determine the proper positions for each pocket coil spring.

The holding mechanism also positions the pocket coil springs in a parallel or zigzag relationship. It also enables the machine to make different kinds of shapes of pockets. A high-quality cylinder is the key to high performance.

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Michael O'Reilly